8B010027 (err 39) - Cannot verify status - passport sign in required. What should I do?
The number “39” appears in the lower-left corner with the below error message:
8B010027: Cannot verify account status
Find out the steps to fix this error.
Make sure that your system date and time are correct:
Right-click the notification area at the far right of the taskbar, which displays your clock and/or other icons.
Click Adjust Date/Time.
On the Date and Time Properties screen, confirm the current date and time settings and make adjustments as necessary. Click Apply and then OK when you are finished.
Optimize Internet Explorer by following the steps at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/936213 .
For Dial-Up Customers:
If the steps above did not solve your problem, try adding a new dialing location to Connection Center. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F12 on the MSN Explorer Welcome Screen and follow the steps for your version of MSN.
Add a New Dial-Up connection/location:
Start MSN, but do not sign in.
At the top of the sign in screen, click Connection Settings.
Note: Ensure the checkbox for Connect using my LAN or DSL connection is unchecked before you proceed
Click New, and then click Next.
Enter your home phone number and type a name for the new location, then click Next.
Choose the appropriate Dialing Options, and ensure your modem is selected in the box next to I want to use the following modem and click Next.
Note: When you turn off call waiting, you will not receive incoming telephone calls and will not be disconnected while you are connected to the Internet.
MSN will present you the list of available access numbers for your location.
Note: You should contact your telephone company to confirm that the access numbers shown are local for your area. MSN will not reimburse you for any long distance charges.
On the Access Numbers screen, check to make sure the numbers listed are local to you and also the dialing pattern is correct, and then click Next.
Click on the checkbox next to I accept the recommended numbers and click Accept
Click Ok to exit and sign into MSN now.
If the above steps did not resolve the issue or if you are using DSL/LAN to connect to the internet, please click here to ask your query